
Showing posts from August, 2015

How to increase speed reading.

I have to be honest - I am a SLOW READER. It takes me over a month to read a 300 page novel, and it sucks because I want to read everything and my brain says ‘nope you are going to go slow at it’. OH THE FUSTREATION!! Whilst browsing Wattpad like you do – I was reading one of Yuffie’s Writing How to by YuffieProduction. She had a great piece about how to increase speed reading and had a bunch of website that help you with that. Honestly I thought I was going to slow – but then as I did one if the tests from (reading a passage, answering three question). In my first attempt I read 314 words per minute, apparently making me 25% faster than the national average. Obviously I did the test again and now I’m reading 362 words per minute, making me 45% faster than the national average. The more you use this, the faster you’ll become – well that’s what I’ve notice anyway. Source: St

Do You Have Pinterest

Hello there, I'm testing is the widget from Pinterest is going to work. Well I hope it does. Follow Tahieuba's board The Writer's Tool on Pinterest. If in any way gets a link then that would be awesome because then you'll be able to click on it and follow a total of 55 boards that I have created, from fashion to social media, tattoes to academic writing. I have you covered. And remember - have a great day wherever you are in the big wide world!

Embedding on the post

I'm testing of the embedding works on the post as it has been done on the page with two of my stories. Click on the link below to read more of me poems: contact me on Twitter

A Slideshare Presentation on Proofreading Tips

 Proofreading Tips I have been working on Slideshare and created the creative writing tips for proofreading tips. It’s a short and simple. It gets to the point. I’ll be creating more simplified tips to help develop your writing experience.  Creative Writing Tips for Proofreading from Tahieuba Chaudhry If you would like to see more tips on other writing aspects then please let me know in the comment section below. The next post, uploading on the weekend, will be on said synonyms.   I’m working on number of social media platforms, including my Google+ page Contact me on Twitter @Tabby_Writer Have a great day wherever you are in the big wide world.

Creative Writing Tips

The Tabby Writer Blog Welcome to Tabby Writer Blog. You will find creative writing tips and articles to improve your writing experience. If you are writing a work of fiction or even business related, be sure to follow and read this blog. I also upload the first chapter of my novels that are curtly on Wattpad as examples to develop my writing. But for now let’s start with a quick tips section. Proofreading Tips For today’s blog, we will look at tips on how to help you proof read your own writing. There is always a possibility after writing your work you notice many spelling and grammatical mistakes. Some of us panic but relax – I have you covered. Here are my simple tips: Check Punctuation - Watch Out for Homonyms, e.g. accept or except as well as contractions and apostrophes. These small errors can be costly. Read your work backwards - Going sentence at a time in the opposite way helps you to see the mistakes properly. Reading the normal has already registered i