How to increase speed reading.

I have to be honest - I am a SLOW READER. It takes me over a month to read a 300 page novel, and it sucks because I want to read everything and my brain says ‘nope you are going to go slow at it’. OH THE FUSTREATION!!

Whilst browsing Wattpad like you do – I was reading one of Yuffie’s Writing How to by YuffieProduction. She had a great piece about how to increase speed reading and had a bunch of website that help you with that. Honestly I thought I was going to slow – but then as I did one if the tests from (reading a passage, answering three question). In my first attempt I read 314 words per minute, apparently making me 25% faster than the national average. Obviously I did the test again and now I’m reading 362 words per minute, making me 45% faster than the national average. The more you use this, the faster you’ll become – well that’s what I’ve notice anyway.
ereader test

Source: Staples eReader Department

So go on try it out and let me on via twitter @Tabby_Writer what you got.
Have a great day wherever you are in the big wide world! 


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